Month: December 2010

Return to the Long Eddy!

Great news!  The National Geographic Society is going to fund a short field season studying the foraging ecology of fin whales in the Long Eddy, an island wake system in the Bay of Fundy. This is a great opportunity for us to get back to Fundy. This island wake system supports a variety of top…
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Duke Alumni Trip on this ship!

This is video of the Clelia II on her way back from the WAP. She was about 800 miles from Ushuaia. She took a large wave over bridge which blew in a window and doused some electronics. No major damage, but it slowed the ship down a bit. Two trips south between that one and…
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Getting going with desktop climate modeling

[dropcap4 color=”green”]O[/dropcap4]ver the past 26 hours my 8-core monster Mac Pro has been crunching numbers like never before. I’ve had it running a public domain climate modeling software package called EdGCM. This package, created by scientists at Columbia University, is based on a research-grade global circulation model produced by NASA called GISS II and has…
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